How can I create custom travel alerts in AmTrav?

AmTrav Custom Alert Messages allows AmTrav administrators to create custom travel alert banners for bookers and travelers.

Need to remind your bookers to book your preferred suppliers, remind your travelers to submit expense reports on time, or alert coworkers to new travel policies or pre-trip approval processes? You can do that easily with AmTrav Custom Alert Message banners on the home page, Flight Search page, Hotel Search page and Car Search page.

Here’s how to create banner alerts:

Step 1: On your AmTrav homepage, click Company Settings.

Company Settings from Home

Step 2: Scroll down to Custom Alert Messages and click Add New Custom Alert Message.

Company Settings custom alert messages

Step 3: Enter your message then choose where you want the message displayed and set an Expiration date and time (expiration is required, if you don't want the alert to expire you can choose a date far in the future like 01/01/2030). Click Add to publish your alert, the banner message will appear immediately in your desired display locations.

Company Settings custom alert messages add

To edit or delete an alert message please click the blue pencil icon or red trash can icon (respectively) on the right side of the Custom Alert Messages listing for that alert, to deactivate an alert without deleting it you can update the alert’s expiration date to a date in the past.


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