How do I receive proactive updates about my AmTrav trip?

Receive flight checkin reminders, delay or cancelation alerts and more from AmTrav -- in only two steps

Disruptions happen in travel -- even the best airline in the best of times delays more than 10% of its flights. Some disruptions are inconsequential, a minor annoyance but you still get where you're going. Others are more serious, and one key to getting past a disruption is being one of the first to know about it so AmTrav can get you on an alternate flight. Here's how to enable flight update texts right to your phone so you'll be the first to know about disruptions and can contact AmTrav for help getting on another flight:

Step 1: Upon logging in to AmTrav click on My Profile

My Profile

Step 2: Scroll down to the Phone Numbers section. Click Edit Phone Numbers and ensure that your mobile phone number is entered and click "Text me flight status alerts when I'm traveling," click Save to commit the changes:

Profile phone numbers


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