
"Pizza's Here!" with HungerRush


Houston, Texas


500 +


HungerRush makes restaurants unstoppable.

Previous Solutions

DIY on various travel sites

Top Challenges

Inefficient trip booking, no traveler support and painful reconciliation processes.

Why AmTrav

Access to all airline, hotel and car rental options in one tool, 24x7 help for travelers, reliable reporting and traveler tracking.

AmTrav Highlights

24/7 support, improved efficiencies in booking and reconciliation for team members.

AmTrav helps the HungerRush team install their POS software and hardware in restaurants around the world.



Lucas Spath of HungerRush knows a lot about pizza. Moose’s Tooth is the place to go in Anchorage, Alaska. You’ll have to order delivery of your reindeer sausage pizza 24 hours in advance, but don’t worry about snowstorms stopping your order: “they literally own their own fleet of snowmobiles for delivery in the winter – welcome to Alaska!” Further south he recommends San Francisco: “San Francisco is where sourdough breads started and so you've got some people who are using 100-year-old sourdough bread starters as their pizza crust” – though at $75 that might be the most expensive pizza you ever order. And in Japan, order the locals’ topping of choice: squid!

So how does Lucas know all this about pizza? Lucas works for Houston-based HungerRush selling and installing point of sale (POS) technology specifically designed for pizza restaurants. 7,000 restaurants globally use HungerRush technology to sell $5 billion worth of pizza every month. HungerRush 360, the company’s cloud POS system, allows restaurant staff to enter orders on touch screen computers and allows customers to order online and via text, ensuring accurate orders and happy customers. “Developing software for pizza orders is extraordinarily tough because it’s often not just a basic cheese pizza with toppings added on,” Lucas explains. “You've also got the restaurant’s special pizzas that come with a variety of ingredients like pepperoni, sausage and mushrooms, but what if the customer wants to remove black olives and add extra pepperoni instead – is that a one-for-one trade, or $0.50 more expensive? Our software handles each of these decisions, it’s where we excel.”

Managing travel for an innovative, growing cloud POS software company

Lucas manages the national installation team that travels to HungerRush customer restaurants across the country and around the world to install the company’s cloud POS system. The software not only takes orders but also tracks and reports on inventory, labor, pricing, and revenue – “You can be on a beach in Mexico on vacation and see your revenue, inventory and cost numbers.” Lucas’s installers usually arrive late in the evening as the restaurant closes, pull out any old equipment and set up the HungerRush system. The next day the installer trains the restaurant staff on how to run day-to-day operations. “Despite the pandemic, we still do a significant amount of traveling for installations,” says Lucas. ”Our clients are in the business of pizza – for them the idea of remote training is terrifying, in-person training gives them huge peace of mind.”

Lucas Spath-1

“Where AmTrav shines is that I no longer have to go to three different websites to book, so AmTrav saves me on average about two to three minutes per booking. When you do 500 bookings a year, it really adds up.”

Lucas Spath, Senior Project Manager

Lucas’s background in the restaurant world prepared him for HungerRush. He worked as a server during college to help pay for tuition, eventually getting into management and becoming “the default tech guy: whatever was going on, everyone said, ‘Just give it to Lucas, he'll figure it out.’” His technical skills were noticed: “Soon the sales guy from the restaurant’s software provider stopped by to figure out why we were no longer such a needy customer. He realized that I was fixing the system then he offered me a job!” A few years later Lucas joined HungerRush as a traveling installer – “I didn't realize what being on the road 90% of the time actually meant!” – then moved up into HungerRush management. Today, he says “HungerRush has grown so much that we now have a team of seven people who do what I used to do alone” – but he can relate to his team and their life on the road since he lived it himself.

AmTrav offers a game-changing travel tool for one HungerRush Executive

Lucas handles all the travel for his team. Before AmTrav, HungerRush didn’t have a single travel tool. Lucas booked flights on SWABIZ (Southwest Airlines’ corporate booking application) and Expedia, and handled rental cars and hotels separately. He says, “At first we only used AmTrav for hotels, then our AmTrav Relationship Manager Ann Keen talked me into getting our Southwest and Enterprise accounts hooked up. Now I get Southwest SWABIZ reporting plus AmTrav reporting and tracking, and it’s made my life so much easier, it's not even funny.” He adds: “Where AmTrav shines is that I no longer have to go to three different websites to book, so AmTrav saves me on average about two to three minutes per booking – doesn’t sound like much but when you do 500 bookings a year, it really adds up.”

AmTrav’s Travel Reports save Lucas time too: “The way that you guys send your invoices makes reconciliation easy. I can see which flight this $342.98 charge goes to because you have the ticket numbers that show up on my credit card statements.” And while Lucas books his installation team’s travel himself, his colleagues in other departments can let their teams book themselves under AmTrav’s travel policy & approval rules.

Fast service from AmTrav is critical for Lucas’s team, or “musical installers” as he fondly calls them. When a new installer missed her flight from Houston to Nashville, Lucas simply called AmTrav and explained the situation: “The AmTrav Travel Advisor said, ‘Got it, understood, let me fix this and call you back,’ then the Travel Advisor absolutely took care of it, even keeping the return flight while rebooking the first flight.”


“AmTrav has made my life so much easier. The technology you have created is immensely powerful and ridiculously easy to use.”

Lucas Spath, Senior Project Manager

“Whoever is in charge of training your customer service staff needs a gold medal: they’re always nice, calm and helpful.” Lately, though, Lucas rarely calls AmTrav: “I almost exclusively contact Travel Advisors in Microsoft Teams. It’s probably my favorite piece of AmTrav technology because I can chat with a Travel Advisor while I'm working on other things in the background – it's brilliant.”

AmTrav puts efficiency front and center so team members can focus on what matters

“AmTrav has made my life so much easier,” Lucas declares. “I get way fewer phone calls, my team can find their own itineraries, and things are much smoother. The technology you have created is immensely powerful, ridiculously easy to use and saves me so much time, plus I’m not getting the 2:00 AM phone calls – all that nonsense is gone.”

Lucas continues, “For me, it's really about getting quality time with my family. The best thing is spending time with my wife, my dog, my cats. It’s nice to know that I can step away from my work, and if I do get a phone call from one of my travelers, I say ‘Call AmTrav, they'll help you.’ That’s my security blanket.”

HungerRush & AmTrav by the Numbers


Online adoption

3 minutes

Saved per booking


Customer Satisfaction