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Top 5 Questions You Should Ask a Business Travel Agency About Their Online Booking Tools

Top 5 Questions You Should Ask a Business Travel Agency About Their Online Booking Tools

With the majority of business travel booked over the Internet, a business travel agency’s online booking system is one of your company’s most important travel tools. Make sure you choose the one that makes the most sense for your company by asking these five important questions.


Is it user friendly?

If it’s not easy to use, odds are, your employees won’t use it. Ask for a free trial, test run, or demonstration to see if the online booking system is as user friendly as they say it is. And if there are any questions or issues that come up later, make sure there’s someone you can reach out to – whether it’s a 24/7 support line or live chat feature (or both). From signing up to confirming an itinerary, this online tool should make travel simpler.


Are there any additional costs?

Some agencies charge a fee just for signing up for their online booking system, which means you have to pay them before you’ve even booked your first flight. Plus, there are often hidden fees for booking online that you don’t see until later. Avoid these unexpected travel costs by asking about the full cost of online booking before you sign on with a business travel agency.


Is it customizable?

When it comes to online booking tools, one size does not always fit all. No two businesses’ travel needs are the same, so why would their booking tools be identical? From incorporating your travel policy to managing employee travel itineraries, make sure your company’s online experience is as unique as your business.


Do they have a low-fare guarantee?

There’s nothing worse than finally booking a hotel or flight, only to see the price drop the following day. With a low-fare guarantee, you won’t have to worry if you’re getting the best deal. Whether you book your trip solo through the booking tool or with some help from your agent, if the price goes down, so does your cost.


What type of reporting tools are included?

Booking tools are more than just a way to schedule your next business trip. They’re an online resource that can be used to bring all of your travel details together. An effective booking tool should provide you a helping hand if you want to track travel itineraries and costs, manage employees’ personal preferences, or provide a clear travel policy. An online booking tool can be your company’s most important resource when it comes to managing all aspects of business travel.


By: Lindsey M.