8 min read

How to Choose the Right Corporate Travel Management Solution

How to Choose the Right Corporate Travel Management Solution

Navigating the world of corporate travel can be complex and time-consuming, but having the right tools and strategies in place can greatly simplify the process.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the key features to look for in a corporate travel software solution, explore how to streamline your travel operations and discuss the importance of round-the-clock support.

We'll also examine how expense-tracking software can improve your corporate travel return on investment (ROI) by providing accurate insights into your travel spending. Let's embark on this journey to optimize your business travel experience and ensure the best outcomes for your organization.

Be warned, this one's a bit lengthy, but it's all important information.

What to Look For in Your Corporate Travel Software 

A powerful corporate travel management software should offer a range of features to enhance your organization's business travel experience. One of the most significant benefits is streamlining the booking process. With a user-friendly interface, employees can quickly and easily book travel services without dealing with the hassle of commercial booking platforms. Additionally, responsive support ensures they receive timely assistance for any questions or issues that may arise during the booking process.

A good business travel software should also save your organization money. By leveraging their business partnerships, the software can provide better pricing on airfare, lodging, and other travel services. Furthermore, it can increase policy compliance by regulating the options presented to employees, which can help prevent overspending on travel arrangements. This feature not only saves money but also frees up employees' time by simplifying the booking and expense reporting processes.

Finally, the software should save your organization time by assuming many responsibilities that would otherwise fall on your shoulders. These tasks can include answering questions, responding to emergencies, and following up on policy non-compliance. By choosing a business travel booking tool with these features, you'll optimize your organization's travel management process, saving both time and money.

Your Business Travel Solution Should Streamline Your Travel Operations 

Effective corporate travel management software should simplify your travel operations rather than complicate them. One way it can do this is by providing insight into unused tickets, including those held by former employees. This ensures that you don't lose track of these investments and can potentially reclaim their value.

Business partnerships should enable employees to access better deals on tickets, airfare, and lodging, further streamlining the travel process. Moreover, a corporate travel solution should help facilitate last-minute changes and avoid costly change fees, accommodating the unpredictable nature of business travel.

A good TMC should handle many day-to-day policy questions with immediate responses, ensuring there are no roadblocks to booking travel services. This level of support allows employees to focus on their core responsibilities, knowing that their travel arrangements are in good hands. By implementing travel and expense software that streamlines your operations, you'll enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your corporate travel program.

Look for 24-Hour Support 

Your corporate travel management partner should offer 24-hour support, ensuring your employees receive the assistance they need at any time of the day or night. This includes concierge support for answering questions, providing information on your corporate travel policy, and handling emergencies that may arise during the travel process.

Offering round-the-clock assistance demonstrates your organization's commitment to fulfilling its duty of care towards employees. This level of support not only ensures the well-being of your traveling staff but also frees you from being on-call at all times. By choosing a corporate travel management company with 24-hour support, you're investing in comprehensive business travel solutions that prioritize the needs of your employees.

Improve Your Corporate Travel ROI with Expense Tracking Software 

Implementing expense-tracking software can have a significant impact on your corporate travel ROI. Many organizations still rely on spreadsheet reporting, which is prone to errors and makes it difficult to track overall travel spending accurately. Without precise insights into policy compliance and expenditures, it's challenging to identify areas for improvement and understand the true ROI of your business travel program.

Expense tracking software simplifies the tracking process, centralizing expense data and enabling you to easily identify trends and opportunities for improvement. This not only frees up your employees' time but also provides valuable insights that can drive continuous improvement in your travel program. By integrating travel and expense software into your business travel solutions, you can optimize your corporate travel ROI and streamline your travel management processes.Seamless Integration with Existing Systems 

A critical feature of effective corporate travel management software is its ability to seamlessly integrate with your existing systems. This includes HR systems, accounting software, and any other tools your organization relies on for managing day-to-day operations. By ensuring smooth integration, you can create a more streamlined and efficient travel management process.

Seamless integration means that all relevant data can be automatically shared between systems, reducing the need for manual data entry and minimizing the risk of errors. This not only saves your employees' time but also ensures accurate and up-to-date information is available for all stakeholders.

Additionally, integrating your travel management software with your existing systems can provide a more comprehensive view of your organization's travel patterns and expenses. This can help you identify areas for improvement and better understand the ROI of your business travel program. By choosing a travel management solution that seamlessly integrates with your current systems, you'll improve efficiency and enhance the overall effectiveness of your travel management process.

Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics 

An essential aspect of an effective corporate travel management solution is comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities. These features can help you gain valuable insights into your organization's travel patterns, expenses, and policy compliance. By analyzing this data, you can make informed decisions about your travel program, identify areas for improvement, and optimize your travel management processes.

Any robust business travel software should offer customizable reports and dashboards, allowing you to easily access and visualize the data most relevant to your organization. This can include information on travel spend by department, policy compliance rates, and average trip costs, among other metrics.

With access to these insights, you can make strategic decisions about your travel program and ensure that it aligns with your organization's goals and objectives. For example, you may identify opportunities to negotiate better deals with suppliers, implement cost-saving measures, or adjust your travel policy to better meet the needs of your employees. By choosing a corporate travel management solution with comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities, you can continuously improve your travel program and maximize your ROI.

Customizable and Scalable Solutions

Your organization's needs may change over time, and your corporate travel management software should be able to adapt to these changes. Customizable and scalable solutions are essential for ensuring your travel management processes remain effective and efficient as your organization grows and evolves.

A good business travel software should offer a range of customization options, allowing you to tailor the platform to meet your unique needs. This may include creating custom workflows, setting up approval processes, and configuring the software to reflect your organization's travel policy.

Scalability is also crucial, as your travel management requirements may grow or change over time. Your chosen software should be able to accommodate an increasing number of users, more complex travel arrangements, and expanded reporting needs. By selecting a corporate travel management solution that is both customizable and scalable, you can ensure that your organization's travel management processes remain effective and efficient, no matter how your needs evolve.

By incorporating these key features into your corporate travel management solution, you can create a streamlined and effective travel management process that saves time, money, and resources while ensuring the well-being of your employees.

Enhanced Employee Experience 

An essential aspect of an effective corporate travel management solution is its ability to provide an enhanced employee experience. Ensuring that your employees have a positive and seamless experience when booking and managing their business travel can lead to increased satisfaction, productivity, and policy compliance.

A user-friendly interface is crucial, as it allows your employees to quickly and easily book the travel services they need. In addition, the software should offer a range of travel options that align with your organization's travel policy, making it easy for employees to choose compliant options.

Mobile access is another important feature, as it enables employees to manage their travel plans and expenses on the go. This can include booking flights, hotels, and other travel services, as well as submitting expense reports and receiving updates on their travel itinerary. By offering a mobile app or mobile-friendly platform, you can ensure that your employees have access to the information and tools they need, no matter where they are.

Furthermore, a good corporate travel management solution should offer personalized support for your employees. This can include 24/7 customer service, as well as access to travel experts who can help with any questions or issues that arise during the booking process or while employees are on the road. By providing a positive and seamless employee experience, you can improve overall satisfaction and productivity, as well as encourage greater policy compliance.

Robust Travel Risk Management Features 

In today's global business environment, travel risk management is a crucial aspect of any corporate travel management solution. Ensuring the safety and well-being of your employees while they are traveling is not only a moral responsibility but also a legal one, as organizations have a duty of care toward their employees.

A comprehensive travel risk management feature should include real-time travel alerts and updates, allowing you and your employees to stay informed about any potential risks or disruptions during their trip. This can include information on weather events, political unrest, health risks, and other potential hazards.

Your chosen software should also offer tools for tracking and monitoring your employees' travel itineraries, allowing you to quickly identify and respond to any potential risks or emergencies. This can include features such as GPS tracking, check-in functionality, and emergency contact information.

Additionally, an effective travel risk management solution should provide access to expert support and assistance in the event of an emergency or crisis. This can include 24/7 support from travel risk management professionals, as well as access to emergency medical, security, and evacuation services.

By choosing a corporate travel management solution with robust travel risk management features, you can ensure the safety and well-being of your employees while they are traveling, as well as fulfill your duty of care obligations as an organization. This not only protects your employees but also helps to safeguard your organization's reputation and minimize potential legal and financial risks.

Seamless Integration with Other Business Systems 

One of the key aspects to consider when selecting a corporate travel management solution is its ability to integrate seamlessly with your existing business systems. This can help to streamline your travel and expense management processes, improve data accuracy, and provide valuable insights into your organization's travel spending and performance.

A corporate travel management solution should be able to integrate with your organization's financial management systems, such as your accounting software, general ledger, or ERP system. This ensures that travel expenses can be accurately captured, categorized, and allocated, helping to improve financial reporting and budgeting processes.

In addition, your travel management software should be able to integrate with your human resources systems, such as your HRIS or payroll system. This can help to streamline the process of updating employee information, managing travel approvals, and tracking employee travel records.

Your chosen software should also be able to integrate with your existing expense management systems or provide a built-in expense management solution. This can help to simplify the process of capturing, submitting, and approving employee travel expenses, as well as providing valuable insights into your organization's travel spending patterns.

Furthermore, a good corporate travel management solution should offer integration with popular travel booking tools and platforms, such as online booking tools, global distribution systems, and travel supplier websites. This can help to streamline the travel booking process for your employees and ensure that they have access to the best available travel options.

By choosing a corporate travel management solution that integrates seamlessly with your existing business systems, you can streamline your travel and expense management processes, improve data accuracy, and gain valuable insights into your organization's travel spending and performance. This, in turn, can help to drive continuous improvement in your corporate travel program and maximize the return on investment for your business travel activities.

Look for 24-Hour Support

A corporate travel management partner should provide the support you need 24 hours a day. This not only frees up your time but also ensures that your employees receive assistance when needed. A corporate travel management company can provide concierge support whenever questions arise. They are corporate travel experts and will get to know your corporate travel policy inside and out, enabling them to answer any questions quickly.

Moreover, they can offer round-the-clock support in case any emergencies arise during the travel process. As an employer, it is your duty of care to handle emergencies, no matter what time of the day it is. A travel management company can assume this responsibility, so you don’t need to be on call 24 hours a day.

Improve Your Corporate Travel ROI with Expense Tracking Software

Expense tracking software can provide helpful insights into your corporate travel spending to drive continuous improvement. Many organizations still rely on spreadsheet reporting, which can be highly inaccurate. This technique also makes it extremely difficult to accurately track overall corporate travel spending. Without precise insights into policy compliance and spending, it’s challenging to drive continuous improvement because you lack an understanding of the true ROI.

Expense tracking software streamlines the tracking process, freeing up your employees' time and providing a centralized database for expenses that is easily mined for trends and opportunities for improvement.


In conclusion, choosing the right corporate travel software is essential for streamlining your travel operations, saving money, and ensuring the well-being of your employees. Consider the essential features discussed in this article and invest in a solution that best fits your organization's needs. This way, you can maximize your corporate travel ROI and drive continuous improvement in your travel management processes.