AmTrav Blog

Insights, tricks and tips to help you deliver a great business travel program & traveller experience for your organization.

Posts about

Travel Management Company (TMC)

Better Corporate Travel Management for Small Businesses

Shannon Marvin | August 13, 2024

When it comes to corporate travel management, big businesses usually have big resources.

5 Benefits of Partnering with a Travel Management Company

Shannon Marvin | August 7, 2024

In today’s dynamic business environment, managing corporate travel effectively is crucial for...

Technologies that Leading Travel Management Companies use to Deliver Great Service

Shannon Marvin | July 17, 2024

Not that long ago, business travel was managed by traditional travel agencies with a phone call and...

5 Important Ways a Travel Management Company Will Save You Money

Shannon Marvin | June 18, 2024

Many organizations rely on Travel Management Companies (TMCs) to book, control, and track their...

Top 5 Challenges in Choosing a Travel Management Company

Shannon Marvin | June 17, 2024

In the market for a Travel Management Company (TMC)? Selecting the right partner can be daunting,...

ADTRAV vs. AmTrav: what's the Difference?

Elliott McNamee | April 12, 2024

AmTrav and ADTRAV, two respected companies that help you book and manage your corporate travel, one...

Dis-aggregation is not the Problem

Elliott McNamee | December 3, 2023

It has been a good year for managed travel customers who use AmTrav. Compared to their peers, they ...

How Travel Managers Can Prepare for Changing TMC Economics (part 2 of 3)

Elliott McNamee | November 1, 2023

Following AmTrav’s radically honest TMC Secrets webinar (watch it here), yesterday we shared how...

How TMCs Make Money Today and How that Could Change (Part 1 of 3)

Elliott McNamee | October 31, 2023

Have you ever wondered how your travel management company (TMC) makes money and pays their bills?

What Does NDC-Ready Mean?

Elliott McNamee | May 10, 2023

Because American Airlines removed 40% of their lowest fares from many corporate booking providers,...

“How much do you charge for that?”

Elliott McNamee | November 25, 2020

Responding to the Company Dime story about AmTrav’s partnership with Journera to provide real-time...


Craig Fichtelberg | April 23, 2020

I wrote this article a few months back for a trade magazine called The Beat, but I realized I never...