1 min read

Saving Money with Unused Tickets and Name Changes

Saving Money with Unused Tickets and Name Changes

Unless you're new to the AmTrav blog (in which case, welcome!) you know that we love unused tickets: from making them easy to track and use, to checking to see how many have been applied by our clients and using former employees' unused tickets to save money on current employees' future trips. 

Applying unused tickets with AmTrav is just a great way to save money and time on travel.
Last week we added a new AmTrav Knowledge Base article documenting exactly how you can save money by applying one traveler's unused ticket to another traveler's new trip. We also included a guide to airline policies and fees governing these name changes with unused tickets so you'll be fully prepared. And we promise to keep those policies updated as often as we can.
We hope you're able to check out and take advantage of this new article to help save your company money as you start getting back to travel!